Photo: Selma Grönlund
Joel Gabrielsson
»Swedish artist presents a small gourmet format in delicate and atmospheric sounds, able to invoke the universes of Thom Yorke and Jónsi. A pop curiosity« Rolling Stone Magazine, FR
»’Morning Light’ exerts a gentle pull on the listener, beckoning them to stay a while and fully soak in the warm melancholy of its little musical microcosm. (…) The song has this lilting yet plaintive melody to it that gives it a wonderfully bittersweet sound that’s hard to shake once you’ve immersed yourself in it.« Everything is Noise, DE
»Mais attention : envoûtement garanti !...Le résultat est fascinant, balançant constamment entre la légèreté de l’instrumentation et de son chant, se mêlant avec douceur à la voix d’Emily Åhlen, et la mélancolie qui ruisselle des cordes et des paroles.» Can you hear the Music?, FR
»Why we love it: With a delicate use of instrumentation and voice, Joel Gabrielsson has delivered a poetic and heartfelt insight into his own creative world with his debut single, ‘Morning Light’.» God is in the TV zine, UK
»Prima che Bon Iver perdesse la bussola e cominciasse a produrre musica carica di hype ma scarica di sentimento, era un fuoriclasse che con le proprie canzoni dipingeva paesaggi unici, suggestivi ed estremamente emozionanti. Scomodiamo forse paragoni ingombranti, ma lo svedese Joel Gabrielsson ci riporta a quei tempi con la sua Morning Light.» Impatto Sonoro, IT